Monday, June 27, 2011

Goal Accomplished in 3...2...1! (Insert party horn sounds, clapping and confetti here.)

So one of my goals for the summer was to get my very own blog up and running. I've discovered that I kinda like to write. And Facebook always tells me that my statuses are too long. And that really ticks me off because I don't want to have to abbreviate (that's super hard for the teacher in me!) or change my words just because there's a limit on the number of characters I can use. Sometimes descriptions and details are really important to the story, you know? Sometimes I just have a lot to say. So I figure a blog is the way to go! Also, Debbie Russell told me to. And who am I to argue with D. Russell?!?!? ;)
I'll admit, I have a little performance anxiety. I'm sure it'll get better with each blog. Just like stripping down naked to change costumes backstage between performances. The first time is a little uncomfortable but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Blogging compared to never saw that one coming, did you?

So here it is. My blog. My Wildfire Ramblings.